Sunday, September 23, 2012

My life as a teacher

I have labeled this post "My life as a teacher" because I feel like it's a totally different life. It's crazy to say it but I have discovered so much of me that I never knew.... I've learned more in my one month as a teacher than I think I did in the 14 years I've been a student. =0)

Things I've learned in my first month as a teacher:
-Teachers use inky pens because it makes your sheets look professional after they've been through the copy machine- not because they are cool.
-White out can be seen on the original but not on a copied paper.
-Teachers use white out because they love their students. The test paper looks too confusing with the little mistake lines underneath the actual writing and we want the students to do as well as possible so we put in the extra effort to white out those lines.
-The teacher likes the stickers just as much as the students.
-Teachers have more homework than students.
-Teachers are just as tired as their students.
-Teachers are told to pretend they know what they are doing even if they have no clue why the kids trust them to know what today's date is.
-Teachers really see everything.
-Doing this as a job is way more difficult but way more motivating than doing it for a grade.
-It's not good enough anymore as a teacher to say, "Don't mind me- I'm terrible at spelling."
-Never be too cocky in taking on projects- always assume you can do less than you thought you could.
-There is always more to learn.

Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts on this. The last thing i wanted to share was a really inspirational song I just discovered today. It really moved me and I wanted to pass it on because its not easy for me to find Jewish songs I like. Enjoy.
'Tell it to the one' by blesofsky

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