Sunday, September 22, 2013

Quick Wrap on the last 5 months

Hi guys, I'm back in Israel as you all know [or should know- where have you been in my life?! :P] and I now that I have a moment to just sit and reflect, I thought it would be a good idea to update this blog on all my doings of the past 5 months or so. :) lol

So, the reason I haven't had a moment to sit and reflect is because this is what my life has felt like in the past 5 months:
Teaching full time including sundays
Going home after pesach for my family when they needed me because Mommy was going to Shoshie's funeral
Back to school- report cards
Siyums, end of the year wrap
Thank you's
Taking last college course whole last 2 months of school. Waking up at 5:00 am to make deadlines.
Shopping for my camp
Planning for my camp
Packing up my whole year and all my curriculum stuff
School ends Thursday
Flying out Thursday
Arrive in Detroit on Friday
Shopping for camp Sunday
Setting up for camp Sunday wiht help of all siblings or else go crazy
Camp starts Monday morning
Camp is a 23/6 job for 5 weeks straight
during which I was trying to get together all my aliyah paperwork
at which I didn't succeed on time
Camp ends and planing for graduation party begins
as well as packing up for Israel
and then leaving to Israel.......

So my short version ends there. So even though i'm not going to go into every detail of all of that, I will pause to let you in my my reflections of the most important aspects of all of what I just said.

During these past few months my priorities became very clear to me even when I couldn't always act on them.
I am a majorly goal oriented person but family is still #1!
B"H and only thanks to Hashem 'Pioneers' [my camp] was successful! Thank you to Rabbi Kaplan and Mrs. Daina, and Leah S, and Rivky and my whole family for all their help and support!!!!! Couldn't have done it without you!
I was super happy and am super grateful for having had the opportunity to spend most of my time this summer with Liba and Rivky even as I was working all day.
I have way to much STUFF to bring to Israel in one shift.
My graduation/aliyah party was BEAUTIFUL- THANK YOU MOMMY AND GRANDMA!!! and Sarah and Rivky and Liba and Aunt Heidi and everyone who helped!! and Thank you everyone who came to see me off!!!
I feel like I was cheated out of closure at the end of my year in Edmonton. I would have loved to spend another few days saying goodbye to the families and the place where I had such a wonderful year....
I want to make a public apology to all my friends just in case they feel neglected because I haven't been answering emails or phone calls or anything else. But now I have some time so everyone should feel free to call or email and I'll be much more available. :)

KK, so ends my quickwrap and I'll start the more in depth saga's in my next post.
Asta lavista and Lehitraot!!

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