Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tel Aviv and Jet Lag... What a daymare!

So, I've been in Tel Aviv for about 2 days and I have to say that I am totally messed up. That first day I "napped" from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm and boy and i having regrets! Not that I could have done it any differently without an alarm clock...
Both nights so far I have slept from 12:30 until 3:30... about the reverse time of my usual day nap when I didn't get enough sleep the night before. And all day I've been falling asleep... or almost falling asleep. In the very least, i've been totally lethargic and can't move from like 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning until at least 4:00 in the afternoon.

On a happier note- Last night was my really good friend's wedding. It was soo exciting!! She is the first one of my friends who are really my age to get married. I had tears in my eyes when I saw her (also because I didn't get to see her the whole summer) and I cried during the chuppah... My friend was so beautiful, she looked so happy, and I'm sooooo happy for her! She deserves every bit of that happiness! Poo poo poo...

I can't explain what the difference was being that she is a good friend... but it was all so personal. It was so different even from Sarah's wedding in the sense that- when Sarah got engaged and married, i didn't feel that it affected my 'marriageable age status' because she chose to get married so young and I am still on the younger end of things. But when my friend got married, and I was looking around to all my other friends who are dating and wishing to be married too, I thought to myself- "am I missing something?" "So is this it? is this what we're all going to be doing now?"

lol- and as all you facebookers may have seen, i traveled alone by buses to the wedding and back so I was very nervous about getting lost, so I asked for people to say a perek of Tehillim for me b/c it was sooo bound to happen. And the prayers worked and Hashem sent people to guide me at every step of the trip. So thanx to whoever said those prakim of Tehillim. :)

Tonight I go back to Jerualem and school. I am very excited to be back. (yawn) And I can't think of anything more to say but i'm trying not to fall asleep so i should write more. Maybe i'll go finish packing up to go to Jerusalem.

Thanx for reading everyone! Imy"H i'll keep updating when I can!
Love, Shayne

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