Sunday, September 5, 2010

...and A New One Begins

Chaim Esptien was there to meet me at the airport. Of course, he recognized me right away :) and how happy I was that he did. He helped me out of Ben-Gurian- pushing all 4 suitcases and loading them into the car and drove me all the way to Kiryat Moshe in Jerusalem. Then he helped me bring in all of my things and even took the time to program my cell phone with some important phone numbers! He took care of me like my own grandfather might... Thank You Chaim!!
The first day I set up my room and that night the school took us to visit the kotel. Unfortunately I had not slept in about 30 hours and was not able to properly appreciate it.
My Dira (apartment) is on the 4th floor and the view from my window is beautiful. Thank G-d, I am only sharing a room with 2 other girls. One is Israeli and one Spanish. The three of us have much in common and I look forward to a long and prosperous friendship.
The Classes that I have been to have all been positively amazing!! Every one of the teachers has a real ability to move and inspire. Each one of them has their own style of teaching but at the same time they always agree with each other. Very often I find that the underlying message the teacher chooses to bring out from the lesson is something the last teacher mentioned in a totally different context.
This Shabbos we stayed in the dorm together and participated in many group activities that allowed us to get to know each other even more. From silly things like having to sit at a certain table and then trying to figure out what everyone at the table had in common (all the girls at my table had an interest in medicine), to a really fun game called marsh mellow... which incidentally, had nothing to do with marsh mellows :) For Shalosh Seudot we walked to the kotel (an hour walk in the heat... carrying salads, rolls, and water bottles) and we ate on the roof of the Heritage House overlooking the old city.
All in all, I am really am beginning to feel at home here and know that I will have a truly amazing year. I only pray that I have the courage to face every moment of it with an open heart.
Miss you all!! <3

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Shayna for the update. Keep them coming as often as you get the chance. In the meantime - Chag Rosh Hashanah Sameach and Happy 18th Birthday. You got the ultimate birthday gift - a chance to spend it in your birth city - Yerushalayim. Hope it is very special and meaningful for you. Love, Grandma
