Monday, April 25, 2011

Pre Pesach Preparations

Okay, So the week before pesach I stayed in Efrat from Sunday until Wednesday night. Monday was Aviad's birthday so Deja's family and I went to the zoo with the kids to celebrate. Afterward we ate out in Malcha mall and then got back in time for Mindy to come vist me. It was her birthday too so she came to have a party and sleep over. We tried to roast mashmellows in a park but we had a broken lighter and it had just rained so we couldn't use any of the wood to start the fire. Instead we just ate cold mashmellows and candy and froze in the park until we decided we had had enough birthday fun :}
Thursday P'ninim went on a trip to the zoo with our chesed kids as a favor to our chesed families. I didn't end up taking any kids and Mindy ended up running the project so in the end... Mindy took me. I saw a rinacersrasorus!!!! and i got to go on the train!!!!! :D
After the trip I pesach cleaned my room- only took like 3 hours what with moving all the beds, bunk beds, and closets... even though it had been spotless before.
That night we wanted to go sleep on the beach but we were warned about the danger so instead we ended up making camp on the porch. And Mindy and I finally got to roast our mashmellows ;)
Shabbos was an optional in shabbos for whoever wanted. I stayed in and ate shalosh seudos by Ariella's. Motzei Shabbos I went to sleep earlyish... cause Sunday I went back to Efrat for my last day there. At the end of the day I said good bye to the kids and had to run to get back in time for Bedikas Chametz. I did the dining room which should have been cleaned with a toothpick before but no such luck shayne... found croutons and all kinds of crumbs everywhere. Erev Pesach we did Biur Chametz and got ourselves ready for the chag.

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