Friday, April 8, 2011

Pesach is coming... Spring is in the air... Rain is- RAIN!

Okay, so I guess its would make sense to start with the Mechanchos evening that I mentioned last entry. I went to my Mechanechet's house and we had a lovely pizza dinner and sang songs at the piano. We also did a really cool activity. She gave us tons of jewish magazines, paper, scissors, and glue sticks. We were told to make a collage representing ourselves from pictures and words we found in the magazine. We were all really into it and spent over an hour working on it. Afterward we all presented our collages to the group and explained the things we put on it. My collage was divided in 4... one corner was my past, one was all the things I like or like to do, one was this year in sem (an essential trasition and turning point), and the last was my future. I joined all four of them together with a giant "Miracles" in the center of the paper, because Hashem has made my life the way it is and only with Hashgacha/Miracles does e/t come together the way its supposed to be.
Did I mention that we had a Kibud Av VaEm- Yom Iyun last week? I missed part of it when i was sick but i caught the end.
Thursday was normal.
Friday I stayed in the dorm... or did I?? I can't remember...Oh right- I did. We had a mandatory In-shabbos because it was the last before Pesach vacation and most of the girls went home. Random Interjection- of all the girls who have left for pesach vacation to go home, the only one that hasn't left yet is my roommate- and that's b/c she loves me :) just sayin.
So anyways, Friday night we did in the the dorm with the Simons (my teachers). I was still a shtickle sick so I went to sleep early and missed "the best speaker of the whole year" and that made me sad... but I'm over it. ;) Shabbos day We ate in the dorm also with my Em Bayit and her family. In the afternoon, a friend took me to a beautiful nature path thingy with flowers and grass!!!!! and since the weather was absolutely sensational, I took a nap in the grass :D a much missed commodity. (is that how you spell it?... ) Then for Shalosh Seudos we went to the Meisels and heard Gila Manolson speak about Tznius. Even those of us who weren't already aware of who this woman was, were very impressed. Motzei Shabbos we chilled...
Speaking of chilled... starting Sunday its been absolutely gross out, rainy and freezing and muddy. But thank G-d for the rain... we need it. (and yes, i'm convincing myself of that)
Sunday and Monday we had a Pesach Yom Iyun, which was really inspirational. Monday I went with my Halacha Rebbe to go ask a shaala from Rabbi Ezriel Oroback, the son of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Orobach. My question was about keeping 1 or 2 days of Yom tov. The Rav Orobach asked a bunch of questions to my Rebbe and he then asked me. Sof Ma`asa, I am keeping one day of yom tov from now on. :) but i have to tell you that i'm really nervous to. I'm afraid its going to feel like being mechalel shabbos if i know that all of my friends are keeping 2 days... we'll see. The older girls who are keeping one day already told me it won't be weird and i'll get used to it fast... I guess i have to trust them. The Rav also gave me a Bracha!! All in all, it was really a special experience for me.
Tuesday I started work in Efrat. I'm helping Deja around the house and with the kids.

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