Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's Raining its Cheshvan

So, a cool thing was that it rained on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan... how awesome is that??! It was a really encouraging thing b/c it demostrated so clearly the fact that there is a Seder in the world and that every little detail is orchastrated and cared about by G-d.
One of the girls in the sem was really cute about it. When she saw the rain she went running outside soooo excited and came back in all dissappointed. When I asked her why she was down she said, '"you always hear that when it rains in Eretz Yisroel all the people come out and dance in the streets... but there was nobody outside dancing." lol, i seriously wanted to pinch her cheeks. :}

That Shabbos we were able to get a large enough group together to stay in the dorm for shabbos. After having to go out and find places to stay and eat all the Chaggim a lot of girls were glad to just be able to stay in. We ended up with about 30 girls more than anticipated.... which didn't do so well for the food situation. Luckily we are not animals- well actually, to be honest, that is not entirely true for the whole group. But never fear, we managed and e/o was happy.

Motzei Shabbos we had a Melava Malka at our Eim Habayit's house. We played a game, and ate food, and sang. And then since it was such a beautifully cool night some of us did the hour long walk back to sem.
After we came home, there was a Sefat Shabbaton Breakout. Where we made a mock shabbos meal... which had us all rolling on the floor laughing. Then when our stomach's couldn't take anymore abuse, we decided to play freeze and justify. And to sum it all up, we were all crying with laughter the entire hour. I was taping it with s/o elses camera. All the shtick i can remember at this point included... our mock bubby being chased around the room by the mock tatty with a stick, a belly dancer, a bipolar chick, obama, hippies, and scary chassidish men.
lol. I'm sure you get the picture. :D

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