Monday, March 21, 2011


Motzei shabbos we left Efrat quickly because we didn't want to do 2 days of Purim but we got to see some cool fireworks while we were waiting at the bus stop!
Sunday, while you people were all celebrating purim, I had a normal day (albeit no class). I took it easy and went shopping for my shaloch manos.
Last night was our Purim chagiga. We started off in school hearing Megilla by Rabbi Meisels son and then relocated to the 'wedding hall'. We had, sem girls, yeshivah guys, waitresses, his side, her side, gypsies, crashers, and I was the flower girl.
The teachers were the Chasson and Kallah and they did a really funny skit about shidduchim (yes its getting a bit old... just a itty bit) Then the heads presented a hysterical shtick vid that they made. Partly it was skit on Yam-LeYam trip which is up and coming (a 3 day hike). Part of it was random takes of the dorm at night. And part of it was them filming the girls dressed up and doing funny random things in the middle of town :)
neways. We got back at about 1:00 in the morning... which was great because some of us were waking up at 3:30am to go to Netz at the Kotel. So basically I got one hour of sleep for the night.
We walked there, right down Yaffo and all the dregs of society finishing their parties and heading back to where they came from. One of the really innocent and naive girls was soooo freaked out and upset by it. It was cute to see that someone can still get so upset at the Kedusha of Yerushalym being violated like this. I guess we've all just become so accustomed to it that it seems like that's the way it is everywhere, so why not in Yerushalym?? We davened Shachris at the Kotel and then walked back. I went back to sleep for an hour and woke up to catch Megilla at Mercaz HaRav. Afterward I delivered my shaloch manos- all 1 of them :) and then rested for a bit before going to daven at the kever of Rabbi Gedalia Moshe bn Shlomo. Then I went to the purim seuda locally at a friends house in Givat Shaul.
The food was good, the people were nice... and drunk :)but the good kind of drunk- the cute kind. All 'toira' and 'just love Hashem'-ish.
When I got back to the dorm I got the unique pleasure of babysitting a couple of drunk girls who were sent back from their various Seudas in taxi's. It was definitely an interesting experience for me, being as it was a first. I can be grateful that at least I did not get thrown up on...
And as a smashing end to the day- i'm sitting here catching up on my blog because when i'm having a great time, all i can think of is you people. :D u should feel sooo flattered!!
<3 <3 <3 Miss you all- especially those of you who are part of our detroit purim party that i missed this year!!!!!!!!!

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