Monday, March 21, 2011

Rosh Chodesh and P'unk-Ninim!!

Week of March 6-12th
Motzei Shabbos we stayed up all night 'Punking' Rabbi Meisels office. The girls covered his walls in plastic wrap and then graffitied. We had our best artists work on it and it turned out really really cool! A couple of girls also tin foil wrapped all of his things. Individual wrapping the desk, every chair, book, pen, and candy. Well- to be honest, they ate all the candies and stuffed the jar with wads of tin foil :) lol
My job was to make him a hat and bling necklace to wear. I paper-mache`d the hat and then graffittied the top. I wrote RABBI across the front in silver foil and then bedazzled the rim. The medallion I made him was a chain of silver foil and foil covering cardboard that said 'P'unk-Ninim' on it.
When he came in on Sunday we were all dressed as punks... all out- hats, bling, and black lipstick. :P
Monday a girl in my seminary got engaged. She had been getting late curfew for two weeks and getting dressed up every day, especially that morning. We were all told about a Lechaim that would be held in the Meisels house and the whole thing was very surprising and last minute. As you might have figured out... it was all a hoax. This girl was head of Chaggiga together with her roommates so it was really easy to make it believable. They broke out the theme of chaggiga(Mock Wedding) at the Lechaim, during which a few girls inconspicuously slipped out and went back to sem to do some messin of their own. When the Chaggiga heads came back to school, all of their beds, closets, and drawers were outside on the porch. :} not my idea... hehe, they weren't tooo happy but we can all take a joke right??
And some time this week I also bought a bucket to do my laundry in since I've been hand washing since i got here. lol... I wrote on it "Shayne's very own bucket- דלי. If anyone even so much as thinks of stealing it- Beware... I have strong friends."
Okay, shabbos I went with 2 friends to a different teacher on Sorotzkin. Friday night we went to the Belzer tish and got to see all the mentchies walk on the tables!! ('all those yoilies came to see- came to see... the Rebba's shabbos table just like royalty, hey-ay!')

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