Monday, March 21, 2011

Marching marching....

hehe... how korny was that title huh :D
Okay so finishing the first week in March...
So on Thursday, after everyone was semi-feeling better, we had a tznius yom iyun which was actually really inspiring and cool. I think most if not all of the girls enjoyed it.
That shabbos 4 other girls and I stayed at the Meisels' (my principal). I'm not sure if I wrote about it when it happened last, but the last time I went to Rabbi Meisels' house his niece was there. What's Hashgacha Pratis about that was that it was both our first times there and we are really good friends from middle school. I haven't seen her since 9th grade when I traveled to Toronto by myself and stayed at her house!! What's funny is that I didn't even know that she was in Israel, let alone that she is my principal's niece. So this was both of our first shabbos back since the last time and it wasn't planned at all. Hashem really does love me!! <3 <3 <3
Shabbos day we all ate at our teachers' the Simons. Both Rabbi and Mrs. Simon are teachers in the school and are very involved with the students. I think it was all of our first times going there for a shabbos meal.
All in all, we really enjoyed shabbos... especially the riddles.
Riddle from Rabbi Meisels- try and figure it out.
There are 12 weights that all look the same. You have a olden day scale that goes up ad down when you put stuff on either side. The are all equal in weight and size besides for one. It is either heavier or lighter than the others. You can use the scale 4 times before you need to know- which weight is not equal, and whether it is lighter or heavier.
Now you try it :)

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